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Notes on porting MS-DOS (msdos, msbio, share)


I finally get to describe the porting work done on the fork of MS-DOS v4 some.


The final workflow went something like this:

  • Set and export f variable to next object basename (uncapitalised, without filename extension)
  • Run scriptlet to hg cp the original file, and commit with an appropriate message
  • Run on the file
  • Observe any errors or messages from
  • Check results manually using hg d
  • If script needs to be edited, do that, then hg up -C and rerun
  • When satisfied, commit with a scriptlet that writes a changeset message and includes the current revision ID hash of fixmem
  • Do some more scriptlets if needed, such as replacing the asmvars mmacros or convert an Installed equate to an %iassign
  • Try to run ident86 with a -b switch that builds the new object using NASM (and links using ./ notracelist)
  • Fix any causes of errors
  • Run ident86 with -b -e -E -r -c to have it apply edits to source files as needed. For share.exe, also pass -Z 0x2642 or the like to detect differences due to relocations
  • Observe if ident86 finds a difference that it cannot edit by itself, and fix
  • Run ident86 without -b -E -r -c to do a full run comparing the files. Observe if any line differences remain.
  • Run scriptlet that prepares a changeset message with the ident86 report and the filename, either titled "identicalise <file>" or "<file> is already identicalised".
  • Copy the prepared changeset message using screen's copy mode.
  • Run scriptlet that runs hg ci with a configuration parameter to allow empty commits, and then copies the new files (binary, .tls file, .map file) to the test subdirectory for working on the next object file.
  • Run scriptlet to modify the makefile to refer to the new files (.nas, .mac)
  • Watch the result with hg d
  • Run hg ci with the message indicating the makefile is prepared to use the ported file
  • Run a hg rm command to delete the original file (needed to cause nmake to pick up the correct ported file)
  • Run hg ci with a message indicating the old file was deleted
  • Go back and work on the next object file

The scriptlets as examples

  • Set and export f variable to next object basename (uncapitalised, without filename extension)
export f
  • Run scriptlet to hg cp the original file, and commit with an appropriate message
hg cp src/CMD/SHARE/"${f^^}".ASM src/CMD/SHARE/"${f,,}".nas &&
  hg ci src/CMD/SHARE/"${f,,}".nas -m "copy ${f^^}.ASM to ${f,,}.nas, no change"

(Paths adjusted to work with src/DOS/, src/BIOS/, src/INC/, or src/CMD/SHARE/.) The last variable assignment was to change the $f variable from allcaps to all uncapitalised, which isn't needed any longer. All the uses of $f in this scriptlet force it allcaps or all uncapitalised using the bash variable modifying replacements.

  • Copy .nas file to edit to a .tmp file to prepare for, then run on the files
cp -a src/CMD/SHARE/"${f,,}.nas" src/CMD/SHARE/"${f,,}.tmp" &&
  ~/proj/fixmem/ --no-istruc-labels \
  --quotemacros MSG_SERVICES -I src/INC/ -I src/CMD/SHARE/ \
  src/CMD/SHARE/"${f,,}.tmp" src/CMD/SHARE/"${f,,}.nas" \
  --segdefine psdata_seg --regdefine D_P_REG_BH_CG_SW,D_P_REG_BL_DQ_SW

The various switches:

--no-istruc-labels: disable old style writing dotted labels for istruc instances at a certain label

--quotemacros: needed for MSG_SERVICES mmacro to avoid clashing smacros and parameter names passed to the mmacro

-I: specify include directories to allow script to find files referenced in include directives

--segdefine and --regdefine: handle these comma-separated symbols as segregs or registers

Comparison, the scriptlet used to run on an msbio object:

cp -a src/BIOS/"${f,,}.nas" src/BIOS/"${f,,}.tmp" &&
  ~/proj/fixmem/ --no-istruc-labels \
  --mactonas clocksub,ms96tpi,msbdata,msioctl,msstack,msvolid,readcloc,stkinit \
  -I src/INC/ -I src/BIOS/ src/BIOS/"${f,,}.tmp" src/BIOS/"${f,,}.nas" \
  --debug-include \
  --segdefine psdata_seg --regdefine D_P_REG_BH_CG_SW,D_P_REG_BL_DQ_SW

This additionally has the --mactonas switch to handle the files renamed from .INC to .nas to better reflect their use.

  • Observe any errors or messages from
  • Check results manually using hg d
  • If script needs to be edited, do that, then hg up -C and rerun
  • When satisfied, commit with a scriptlet that writes a changeset message and includes the current revision ID hash of fixmem
hg ci -m "run $(hg -R ~/proj/fixmem id -i) on $f.nas"
  • Do some more scriptlets if needed, such as replacing the asmvars mmacros or convert an Installed equate to an %iassign
perl -i -ne '
if (/^\s*asmvars?\s+/i) {
  while (s/^(\s*asmvar\s+)([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\s*?(?:,(.*?))?([\r\n]*)$/$1$3$4/i) {
    print STDERR ">>$_<<\n";
    print "%ifndef ".$2.$4;
    print " \%iassign $2 0".$4;
    print "%endif".$4;
} else {
}' src/CMD/SHARE/*.nas
hg d
hg ci -m "$f.nas: replace asmvar macro use"
perl -i -pe 's/^\s*(Installed)\s+equ\b/%iassign $1/i' src/CMD/SHARE/"$f".nas
hg d
hg ci -m "$f.nas: replace Installed equate by %iassign"
  • Try to run ident86 with a -b switch that builds the new object using NASM (and links using ./ notracelist)
DEBUG=0 time -p ~/proj/ident86/ test/share.exe src/CMD/SHARE/share.exe \
  src/CMD/SHARE/share.tls src/CMD/SHARE/ -s -a 256 -S -b '
  rm -f src/CMD/SHARE/share.exe &&
  cdexec src/CMD/SHARE/ nasm -Ox -P../../INC/nasm.mac -I../../INC/ -I../../DOS/ "$f".nas \
  -fobj -o"$f".obj -l"$f".lst -I ../lmacros/ -Lp &&
  ./ notracelist &&
  ./' -e 2 -d 16 -p '\.lst$::.nas' -p '\\::/' -p '^::src/CMD/SHARE/' \
  -E -c "$f".20241201.cki -f 0x60 -r -z -Z 0x2642; beep

The various switches:

-s: side by side view, very useful (and may be needed for editing)

-a 256: specify auto difference length so as to stop listing different bytes after a certain length in a single difference range is reached

-S: show spots to edit

-b: specify build scriptlet to run so as to rebuild with the object file that is to be inspected currently

-e 2: indicate second binary file is the one being edited

-d 16: have ident86 stop displaying after this many bytes displayed after the "earliest difference" (line that is not samesame and not fuzzy same either)

-p: specify patterns to convert .tls listing source to an assembly source text file name

-E: enable automatic edit

-c: specify a cookie file to speed up finding more differences in subsequent iterations

-r: repeat run after an edit has been applied

-z: ignore byte differences in header

-Z 0x2642: apply relocation to the specified segment in order to find differences due to relocations

The build scriptlet is as follows:

  rm -f src/CMD/SHARE/share.exe &&
  cdexec src/CMD/SHARE/ nasm -Ox -P../../INC/nasm.mac -I../../INC/ -I../../DOS/ "$f".nas \
  -fobj -o"$f".obj -l"$f".lst -I ../lmacros/ -Lp &&
  ./ notracelist &&

rm: make sure the executable is deleted so it won't be found if nmake fails to build it

cdexec: run assembler in the specified subdirectory

-P../../INC/nasm.mac: pre-include the NASM conversion macros file (based on fixmem's nasm.mac)

-I: specify include paths to NASM

-fobj: specify OMF output format for NASM

-l: create a listing file, needed for and ident86

-Lp: create a listing file even if errors occurred, to help debugging

./ notracelist: run nmake to link the final executable with the object file generated by NASM. Specifies notracelist to avoid creating the trace listing files not needed, which take a long time to generate.

./ create the single trace listing file needed for ident86 (this one for share, ./ for msbio and ./ for msdos)

  • Fix any causes of errors
  • Run ident86 with -b -e -E -r -c to have it apply edits to source files as needed. For share.exe, also pass -Z 0x2642 or the like to detect differences due to relocations

As above. The NASM build step should succeed in every iteration of this loop, having fixed the errors previously.

  • Observe if ident86 finds a difference that it cannot edit by itself, and fix

This is usually short jumps that straddle the rel8 displacement limit. Sometimes mistakes during the step show up here as well.

  • Run ident86 without -b -E -r -c to do a full run comparing the files. Observe if any line differences remain.
DEBUG=0 time -p ~/proj/ident86/ \
  test/share.exe src/CMD/SHARE/share.exe \
  src/CMD/SHARE/share.tls src/CMD/SHARE/ \
  -s -a 256 -S -e 2 -d 16 -p '\.lst$::.nas' -p '\\::/' -p '^::src/SHARE/' |
  tee report.txt; beep

Alternative, using the -I switch added to ident86 later:

DEBUG=0 time -p ~/proj/ident86/ \
  test/share.exe src/CMD/SHARE/share.exe \
  src/CMD/SHARE/share.tls src/CMD/SHARE/ \
  -s -a 256 -S -e 2 -d 16 -p '\.lst$::.nas' -p '\\::/' \
  -c "$f".20241201.cki -f 0x60 -z -Z 0x2642 \
  -I src/CMD/SHARE/ -I src/INC/; beep

In this run the last -p pattern is omitted so that source text files are not always searched for in the src/SHARE/ subdirectory. Instead, the -I switches are given in order to specify what pathes to search for the source text files.

  • Run scriptlet that prepares a changeset message with the ident86 report and the filename, either titled "identicalise <file>" or "<file> is already identicalised".
if [ -z "$(hg d)" ]
  echo -ne "$f.nas is already identicalised\n\nFull ident86 report:\n\n"
  echo -ne "identicalise $f.nas\n\nFull ident86 report:\n\n"
cat report.txt |
  grep -vE '[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}  first:.*second:[0-9A-F]{2}|first:00 != second:eof|[0-9A-Fa-f]{6} up to below|no difference' |
  tail -n20

The ident86 report includes the used ident86 revision's ID hash and the lDebug version.

  • Copy the prepared changeset message using screen's copy mode.
  • Run scriptlet that runs hg ci with a configuration parameter to allow empty commits, and then copies the new files (binary, .tls file, .map file) to the test subdirectory for working on the next object file.
hg ci --config ui.allowemptycommit=1 && cp -at test src/CMD/SHARE/{share.exe,share.tls,}
  • Run scriptlet to modify the makefile to refer to the new files (.nas, .mac)
l="clocksub ms96tpi msbdata msioctl msstack msvolid readcloc stkinit"
for g in $l
  perl -i -ne '
  if (/^\s*'"$f"'\.obj:/) { $replace = 1; };
  if (defined $replace and $replace) {
    if (not /\\[\r\n]*$/) { $replace = 0; };
  } else {

The $l list is for the msbio files that were renamed from .INC filenames to .nas ones to better reflect their use. The $replace variable makes it so subsequent lines in the makefile, after a trailing backslash, are also processed. Only after a line that does not end in a backslash, the scriptlet will not replace extensions any longer.

  • Watch the result with hg d
hg d
  • Run hg ci with the message indicating the makefile is prepared to use the ported file
hg ci -m "prepare makefile to use $f.nas ported file"
  • Run a hg rm command to delete the original file (needed to cause nmake to pick up the correct ported file)
hg rm src/CMD/SHARE/"${f^^}.ASM"
  • Run hg ci with a message indicating the old file was deleted
hg ci -m "$f.asm: delete original file"
  • Go back and work on the next object file
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blog/pushbx/2024/1204_notes_on_porting_ms-dos_msdos_msbio_share.txt · Last modified: 2024-12-04 13:01:43 +0100 Dec Wed by ecm