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INSTALL TOGGLE: Toggle debugger settings

In yesterday's blog post I forgot to mention the INSTALL TOGGLE command added to the debugger now. I had considered this for a while already, but finally got around to adding it. Instead of using up another "global" command, I opted for a keyword that follows an INSTALL command to turn it into an INSTALL TOGGLE command. Other than that decision there are no surprises here. It did turn up another bug or two of them during development.

Along with a change I silently added before release 6, the RX command to switch 32-bit register dump for the R command is completely redundant now and can be replaced by INSTALL TOGGLE RX. Likewise, INSTALL TM and the converse UNINSTALL TM and INSTALL TOGGLE TM can be used to switch the Trace Mode. (The original TM command will also display the status however.)

Idea: Perhaps an INSTALL STATUS command or similar could be added to indicate the current status of install nouns.

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blog/pushbx/2023/0911_install_toggle_toggle_debugger_settings.txt · Last modified: 2023-09-11 20:55:04 +0200 Sep Mon by ecm