$ dosemu -dumb shared memfd open() failed: Function not implemented shared memfd open() failed: Function not implemented ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1713:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card couldn't open play stream: No such file or directory ERROR: alsa_midi (ALSA lib): seq_hw.c:466:(snd_seq_hw_open) : No such file or directory open /dev/snd/seq failed dosemu2 2.0pre8-20190126-884-gaaad6f8b Configured: 2019-01-26 16:03:11 +0100 Please test against a recent version before reporting bugs and problems. Get the latest code at http://stsp.github.io/dosemu2 Submit Bugs via https://github.com/stsp/dosemu2/issues Ask for help in mail list: linux-msdos@vger.kernel.org FreeDOS kernel build 2036 cvs [version Aug 18 2006 compiled Aug 18 2006] Kernel compatibility 7.10 - WATCOMC - 80386 CPU required - FAT32 support (C) Copyright 1995-2006 Pasquale J. Villani and The FreeDOS Project. All Rights Reserved. This is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. C: HD1, Pri[ 1], CHS= 0-1-1, start= 0 MB, size= 2000 MB D: HD2, Pri[ 1], CHS= 0-1-1, start= 0 MB, size= 2000 MB E: HD3, Pri[ 1], CHS= 0-1-1, start= 0 MB, size= 2000 MB F: HD4, Pri[ 1], CHS= 0-1-1, start= 0 MB, size= 2000 MB dosemu XMS 3.0 & UMB support enabled dosemu EMS driver rev 0.8 installed. EMUFS host file and print access available Kernel: allocated 41 Diskbuffers = 21812 Bytes in HMA BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 MIDI=SYNTH:2 MAP:E MODE:0 Welcome to dosemu2! Build 2.0pre8-20190126-884-gaaad6f8b C:\>ver /r FreeCom version 0.84-pre2 XMS_Swap [Aug 28 2006 00:29:00] DOS version 7.10 FreeDOS kernel build 2036 cvs [version Aug 18 2006 compiled Aug 18 2006] C:\>lddebugc.com Determining processor type Found 186+ processor Found 286+ processor Found 386+ processor Found 486+ processor Found processor with CPUID support Executing CPUID 0 CPUID 0 executed Executing CPUID 1 CPUID 1 executed Determining floating-point unit ~-?build Debugged lDebug (2019-06-09) Source Control Revision ID: hg 12e6cf2820c6 ~-a 14C9:0100 mov cx, 10 14C9:0103 mov si, 0 14C9:0106 rep lodsb 14C9:0108 nop 14C9:0109 int3 14C9:010A ~-r AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 DS=14C9 ES=14C9 SS=14C9 CS=14C9 IP=0100 NV UP EI PL ZR NA PE NC 14C9:0100 B91000 mov cx, 0010 ~-t AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=0010 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 DS=14C9 ES=14C9 SS=14C9 CS=14C9 IP=0103 NV UP EI PL ZR NA PE NC 14C9:0103 BE0000 mov si, 0000 ~- AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=0010 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000 DS=14C9 ES=14C9 SS=14C9 CS=14C9 IP=0106 NV UP EI PL ZR NA PE NC 14C9:0106 F3AC rep lodsb ~- AX=00CD BX=0000 CX=000F DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0001 DI=0000 DS=14C9 ES=14C9 SS=14C9 CS=14C9 IP=0106 NV UP EI PL ZR NA PE NC 14C9:0106 F3AC rep lodsb ~-tp ERROR: CPU-EMU: Zero-len code node? AX=0093 BX=0000 CX=0000 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0011 DI=0000 DS=14C9 ES=14C9 SS=14C9 CS=14C9 IP=0108 NV UP EI PL ZR NA PE NC 14C9:0108 90 nop ~-q C:\>exitemu $