/* FreeDOS DFlat+ Hello World! */ /* I N C L U D E S /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ #include "dflatp.h" #include "dfptools.h" // This line is just used to compile the MODULE bit #include "resource.h" /* D E F I N E S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ /* G L O B A L S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ DEFPROGRAM MOD_DESCRIPTION("FreeDOS Hello World! 1.0") MOD_VERSION(1,0,0,0) MOD_COPYRIGHT(" Aitor Santamar¡a") MOD_LICENSE("GNU GPL 2.0") MOD_ABOUT("Simple Hello World based on DFlat+") END_DEFMODULE /* P R O T O T Y P E S /////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ static int MainAppProc(WINDOW, MESSAGE, PARAM, PARAM); /* F U N C T I O N S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ int DfpMain(int argc, char *argv[]) { WINDOW wnd; wnd = CreateWindow(APPLICATION, "", 0, 0, -1, -1, NULL, NULL, MainAppProc, 0 ); ProcessMessages(); return 0; } static int MainAppProc(WINDOW wnd,MESSAGE msg,PARAM p1,PARAM p2) { int rtn = DefaultWndProc(wnd, msg, p1, p2); if ( msg == CREATE_WINDOW ) { MessageBox ("Message", "Hello world!"); PostMessage (wnd, CLOSE_WINDOW, 0, 0); } return rtn; } |
/* -------------- the Search Text dialog box --------------- */ DIALOGBOX(SearchTextDB) DB_TITLE("Find",-1,-1,9,48) CONTROL(TEXT, "~Find What:", 2, 1, 1, 11, ID_SEARCHFOR) CONTROL(EDITBOX, NULL, 14, 1, 1, 29, ID_SEARCHFOR) CONTROL(TEXT, "Match ~Case:" , 2, 3, 1, 23, ID_MATCHCASE) CONTROL(CHECKBOX, NULL, 26, 3, 1, 3, ID_MATCHCASE) CONTROL(BUTTON, " ~OK ", 7, 5, 1, 8, ID_OK) CONTROL(BUTTON, " ~Cancel ", 19, 5, 1, 8, ID_CANCEL) CONTROL(BUTTON, " ~Help ", 31, 5, 1, 8, ID_HELP) ENDDB |
DFLATPLB.LIB | Borland (c) C/C++ ver 3.0 | Large Memory model |
DFLATPLO.LIB | Open Watcom C/C++ 1.6 | Large Memory model |
DTOOL0LB.LIB | DFlat+ Tools library - No debug |
DTOOL1LB.LIB | DFlat+ Tools library - Legacy DFLAT debugging |
DTOOL2LB.LIB | DFlat+ Tools library - New DFlat+ debugging |
X | Major version number This number reflects changes that affect the vaste majority of the DFlat+ arquitecture, or a significant change in the appearance or the user interface. It will very seldomly vary. |
Y | User-oriented changes This number reflects a variation or accumulation of STABLE changes that usually improve the user experience of the application. For example, if you have linked your application against version 1.3 of DFlat+, you are advised to link to 1.4.0 whenever this version appears, as version 1.4 will have a large number of improvements and stability with respect to 1.3.X that the users of your application will notice and mostly appreciate. |
Z | Developer-oriented changes A change in the Z number will probably mean one of the following situations: - A small post-release that provides an X.Y version with small fixes and cosmetic changes (as could be the case of 1.3.0 to 1.3.1). - A step towards the next X.Y version, with some changes that are recent, and hence unstable (as could be the case of 1.3.6 to 1.3.7). As developer, you are encouraged to link against a new Z version in the first case, but optionally for the second case: you may want to create yourself unstable pre-release versions of your own applications that are linked against such second-case Z versions, but you are advised to to release those for end-users, at the risk of unstability. |