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blog:pushbx:2022:0919_hello_from_the_hp_95lx [2022-09-19 21:12:38 +0200 Sep Mon]
ecm created
blog:pushbx:2022:0919_hello_from_the_hp_95lx [2022-09-20 23:03:23 +0200 Sep Tue] (current)
ecm typo
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 I eventually extended lDebug so that it detects the 95LX using an interrupt 15h service 4DD4h. In case of a 95LX it will not hook interrupt 6. I eventually extended lDebug so that it detects the 95LX using an interrupt 15h service 4DD4h. In case of a 95LX it will not hook interrupt 6.
-Further, I added an assembly option flag (in the variable DAO) for NEC V20 disassembly repetition rules. This causes the R command to repeat disassembly after any mov instruction with a segment register, as well as a pop wtth any 186 segment register. This means that mov from any segreg, mov to ds or es, and pop ds and pop es will repeat disassembly which they do not in case the DAO flag is clear. Apparently the NEC V20 will lock out interrupts after all of these too, not only after pop or mov to ss. (This lock out is meant to allow atomically switching stacks, which requires setting both ss and sp without the possibility of an interrupt between the two needed instructions.)+Further, I added an assembly option flag (in the variable DAO) for NEC V20 disassembly repetition rules. This causes the R command to repeat disassembly after any mov instruction with a segment register, as well as a pop with any 186 segment register. This means that mov from any segreg, mov to ds or es, and pop ds and pop es will repeat disassembly which they do not in case the DAO flag is clear. Apparently the NEC V20 will lock out interrupts after all of these too, not only after pop or mov to ss. (This lock out is meant to allow atomically switching stacks, which requires setting both ss and sp without the possibility of an interrupt between the two needed instructions.)
 Next up I am considering to add a 40-column friendly mode to the R, U, and D commands. The 95LX has a 40x16 screen, though it allows to scroll in a virtual 80x25 screen. Supposedly there is a way to get a 60-column mode, but I have not yet tried this. Next up I am considering to add a 40-column friendly mode to the R, U, and D commands. The 95LX has a 40x16 screen, though it allows to scroll in a virtual 80x25 screen. Supposedly there is a way to get a 60-column mode, but I have not yet tried this.
blog/pushbx/2022/0919_hello_from_the_hp_95lx.txt ยท Last modified: 2022-09-20 23:03:23 +0200 Sep Tue by ecm