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Early mid March work


This week I worked a little on lDebug(X) and inicomp. I also prepared another two blogposts, the PM int 21h handler mystery and a yet unreleased post.

Further, I have considered a new repo which will be based on the mak script of lDebug and will provide the scripting needed to wrap and optionally compress the Enhanced DR-DOS single-file kernel or the FreeDOS kernel. This will also eventually lead to CONFIG block support in inicomp and fdkernpl (part of ldosboot).


2024-03-19 19:20:10 +0100 Mar Tue · ecm · 0 Comments

The Protected Mode int 21h handler mystery

Following the bug report on the forum, I changed the PM int 21h handler of lDebugX to first switch stacks and then transfer control to the code section, as the transfer function as yet requires a 16-bit stack (either ss B bit or esph must be zero).

This involved moving some patch sites into the entry section. This is not a problem any longer as the 386-related patches now store separate tables for the entry section. However, it was a problem before this change which is why the original int 21h entry in the entry section used all manual patches not using the tables.

To test that the entry section patches work, I rebuild lDebugX with _CATCHPMINT214C=0. It required some changes to build. For instance, with _DEBUG=0 the excsave table wasn't included in the build. To avoid using this table I tried to build using _DEVICE=0 _TSR=0. This failed due to a recent change to inicomp involving the lCFG block, which didn't allow building with _IMAGE_EXE=1 _DEVICE=0.


2024-03-14 09:51:52 +0100 Mar Thu · ecm · 0 Comments

Early March work


This week I modified inicomp and lDebug, and finished another lDebug release.


2024-03-11 17:36:54 +0100 Mar Mon · ecm · 0 Comments

Late February work


This week some development happened on lDebug, inicomp, and ldosboot. (At the time of this writing, the prior blog post still isn't released. Oh well.) The SvarDOS repo for Enhanced DR-DOS had some discussion about compression formats.


2024-03-03 17:22:46 +0100 Mar Sun · ecm · 0 Comments

Mid late February work


This week some development on lmacros, instsect, lDebug, and EDR-DOS and FreeDOS happened.


2024-03-03 17:09:54 +0100 Mar Sun · ecm · 0 Comments

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