//pushbx.org/ecm/doc/ldosboot.htm#protocol-sector-edrdos|differs little from FreeDOS]]. The load unit regi... source texts of drbio [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/b28a432679f9|to use the passed drdos rather t... ubsequent changeset I [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/feda14976c32|deleted most of the "BDOS loader... kernel was completed [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/465247a2713a|by building the combined file as
of each line. I also [[https://github.com/SvarDOS/edrdos/issues/102#issuecomment-2560497941|reported on th... ed DR-DOS =====
* [[https://github.com/SvarDOS/edrdos/issues/128|Fix a bug in which func36 would interp...
* My first patch [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/bf4f4ec281b2|initialised the entire DPB and a... In the second patch, [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/d5eda262bc1b|I changed func36 in disk.nas]] t
t in DR-DOS v6.00 or [[https://github.com/SvarDOS/edrdos/issues/131#issuecomment-2606802216|Novell DOS v7.... error in some detail [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/f5cbd8e90ee3|in the changeset message]].
I also [[https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/edrdos/rev/4cda0b9af813|updated the lDOS version]]. Rath... 8|discussed over at the dosemu2 repo]].
{{tag>edrdos pcdos ldebug lmsdos msdos msdos4}}
blog/pushbx.txt ยท Last modified: 2022-04-19 14:24:13 +0200 Apr Tue by ecm