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blog:pushbx:2024:1028_mid_to_late_october_work [2024-10-28 20:47:13 +0100 Oct Mon] (current)
ecm created
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 +====== Mid to late October work ======
 +I didn't get around to writing a blog post last week, so this one covers two weeks' worth of work.
 +===== Instruction set reference =====
 +[[|Fixed insSTOSB stating that it "sets the flags accordingly"]]. Also add to other string instructions that flags are not modified (ins, lods, movs, outs).
 +===== lDOS boot =====
 +  * [[|Add section on FSIBOOT]] to the documentation
 +  * [[|Add sections on ROM-BIOS and MBR to sector]] to the docs
 +  * [[|Fix newly added hyperlinks]] in docs
 +  * [[|Mention patchqry]]
 +  * In iniload lDOS entry [[|check for lsvLoadSeg underflow]]
 +  * [[|Update attribution year]] of iniload.asm
 +  * [[|Update iniload.asm comments]] listing known lDOS signatures
 +  * [[|List lDXX (unset) signature]] in iniload.asm and documentation
 +===== lDebug =====
 +[[|Update dbitmap Extension for lDebug]] to add STR mode. This allows to display a string using the embedded font.
 +The STR mode patch includes the \M escape code which causes the next byte to be mirrored.
 +In a separate revision [[|the \H escape code is added]] which takes an alphanumeric byte and displays a blank of the corresponding width, mainly for ''\H4'' to display a half-width space.
 +(Backslashes to be displayed must be escaped as double backslashes.)
 +Here's a fun script to try with the updated ELD, logo.sld:
 +@ext printf.eld "\r\n"
 +@ext dbitmap.eld run set1 '#' end set0 ' ' end str "\MLDebug"
 +@ext printf.eld "\t   Presented by BTTR Software\r\n"</code>
 +(The reverse capital L is an acceptable way of rendering the first letter of "lDebug" or "lDOS".)
 +===== Enhanced DR-DOS =====
 +Pick two changes from SvarDOS:
 +  * [[|Re-test buffer dirty status after recursive buffer flush]], to address [[|an error during cross-drive copying]]
 +  * [[|Prefer discarded buffer]] when searching a buffer for new data (performance optimisation)
 +Further, [[|the lDOS version string got updated]] to 2024 October.
 +===== fixmem =====
 +  * nasm.mac: [[|cap-insensitively define labelsize labels and ret in proc]]
 +  * [[|replace %out directives]] by %warning
 +  * [[|ignore .xcref, .cref, name directives, and handle .xlist]]
 +  * [[|add support for I_AM and I_NEED macros]] used by MS-DOS v4 kernel sources
 +  * detect comment that [[|indicates NASM original macros to skip remainder of a file]]
 +  * nasm.mac: [[|insert NASM original macros comment]]
 +  * [[|allow SIZE operator to specify differently-capitalised name]] of a structure
 +  * [[|switch ENDS to define a _struc_size suffixed label]] rather than _size, as _size sometimes clashed
 +{{tag>insref ldosboot ldebug eld logo edrdos fixmem}}
blog/pushbx/2024/1028_mid_to_late_october_work.txt ยท Last modified: 2024-10-28 20:47:13 +0100 Oct Mon by ecm