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blog:pushbx:2024:1013_late_september_early_october_work [2024-10-13 17:59:13 +0200 Oct Sun] (current)
ecm created
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 +====== Late September, early October work ======
 +Last Sunday (2024-10-06) I travelled back from my partner's place, so I didn't get to write a blog post. Therefore we'll cover two weeks' worth of work today.
 +===== kernwrap =====
 +All of these changes were picked from lDebug.
 +  * [[|Add support for INICOMP_HEATSHRINK_Z]] to optimise heatshrink depacker
 +  * [[|Support mvcomp compression method]]
 +  * [[|Update config file]] to add zerocomp and mvcomp compression methods
 +===== Enhanced DR-DOS =====
 +Prompted by [[|a SvarDOS issue for the EDR-DOS kernel]], I [[|optimised the bdevio.nas function div64]]. I'd noticed that its stack layout exactly matches the div32 function. The div64 function implements a very slow bitwise loop to do the division with up to 64-bit dividend and up to 32-bit divisor. My optimisation consists of checking the upper 32 bits of the dividend; if they're zero, pass control to the div32 function instead. This causes a great speedup apparently.
 +I later [[|picked a comment]] from [[|the SvarDOS repo's pick of my changeset]].
 +[[|The only unrelated changeset]] in our EDR-DOS repo is [[|a pick from SvarDOS]] to supply a video page and attribute for a few int 10.0E calls in drbio/console.nas (as usual I picked the change in the JWasm source texts into both that and the NASM ported sources for the lDOS repo). ([[|Issue at SvarDOS EDR-DOS repo]].)
 +===== inicomp =====
 +  * [[|Add testfile application that uses the inicomp depackers]] to depack a single file, and write to an output file. This involves passing the depacked size from the depack function to the caller.
 +  * [[|Add -v switch to testfile]] for verbose debugging output.
 +  * In heatshrink depacker verbose output [[|display destination and source offsets]].
 +  * In heatshrink depacker [[|add verbose message for storing zeroes]] (backreference matches that reference the initial window before the start of the uncompressed data).
 +  * [[|Add -e switch to testfile]] for exceptional debugging messages. (The -v switch enables a superset of the -e switch messages.)
 +  * [[|Fix heatshrink depacker to work in the inicomp stage again]], it had the _TESTFILE define too late.
 +  * [[|Optimise heatshrink depacker with _Z define]] to drop code for storing zeroes for initial window backreferences, shrinking the depacker somewhat.
 +The remaining changes involve the mvcomp compression method, based on SvarDOS's language file packer:
 +  * [[|Add mvcomp depacker]].
 +  * [[|Support _MVCOMP define]] for mvcomp depacker.
 +  * Optimise mvcomp depacker:
 +    * [[|Inline get_word]] as only a single spot ever called it.
 +    * In copy_data [[|only support lengths < 256 Bytes]].
 +    * [[|Drop unused .end_check code]].
 +  * [[|Double the number of progress dots]] emitted by mvcomp depacker.
 +  * [[|Add testfile verbose output]] for matches to mvcomp depacker.
 +===== lDOS boot =====
 +The FAT32 + FSIBOOT boot sector loader was updated a little. [[|In a new revision of the experimental protocol]], the directory search function now returns with ds set equal to es (the directory buffer segment) upon success. A week later, I [[|updated the FSIBOOT revision to the non-experimental FSIBOOT5]] and pushed the changes to both the ldosboot.exp and the ldosboot repos.
 +===== instsect =====
 +The only changes concern logging the dates of [[|the FSIBEX05]] and [[|FSIBOOT5 revisions]] of the two-stage FAT32 loaders.
 +===== heatshrink =====
 +[[|Patch to add the -z switch]]:
 +<blockquote>Add -z switch (no initial window references) to encoder
 +As discussed on the SvarDOS issue tracker, refer to:
 +[[|SvarDOS/bugz#127 (comment)]]
 +<blockquote>Particular the store zeros calls concern me because they
 +may impose complications on the depacker, if it doesn't
 +use a circular buffer. I may look into adding a mode to
 +heatshrink that forbids references that point before the
 +depacked data.</blockquote>
 +For example, the lDOS inicomp depacker for heatshrink does some
 +special handling to store zeros. This code can be dropped if the
 +encoder's new -z switch is used:
 +Also [[|submitted as a Pull Request]], albeit it is unlikely to receive any attention.
 +===== lDebug =====
 +  * [[|Add option INICOMP_HEATSHRINK_Z]] with auto-detection whether heatshrink supports the -z switch that I added in the heatshrink patch. This allows to enable the _Z define to inicomp's heatshrink depacker to optimise it, at very little cost to the size of the compressed payload.
 +  * [[|Fix assembling of externally-built help pages]], ''ext_data_max_size_equate'' wasn't defined
 +  * [[|Add handling of heatshrink -z switch]] to compressed help build in
 +  * hshrink.asm: [[|Add _Z define for optimisation of help page depacker]]
 +  * [[|Support mvcomp inicomp method]] in and [[|in]]
 +  * [[|Update to list]] both mvcomp and zerocomp
 +Other than [[|an update to the news manual section]], all other changes concern the TSC Extension for lDebug ([[|created because of a request]] from [[|@boeckmann]]):
 +  * [[|Initial commit of the ELD]], featuring installable ELD, a dword variable LASTTSC, and two different commands, TSC (display TSC and write variable) and TSC QUIET (only write variable).
 +  * [[|Add tsc.eld]] to source/eld/ and to extlib.asm
 +  * [[|Make LASTTSC an array variable]] to allow access to high dword
 +  * [[|Add two patch areas to the debugger entry section]], in run (any mode) and intrtn (86 Mode only)
 +  * [[|Install tsc.eld handlers]] into the patch areas
 +===== mvcomp =====
 +The mvcomp algorithm is a simple, word-based compression method created for the SvarDOS multi-language support library. I contributed mvsize, a tool that reads in the original file and the compressed file, and returns how much buffer space is needed exactly to depack the packed data within an in-place depack buffer.
 +  * [[|Initial commit]], only depack once with a full buffer (not in-place depacking).
 +  * [[|Do binary search to find the minimum buffer size]] in the stubborn way, like inicomp test A mode.
 +  * [[|Fix a wrong overflow check]].
 +  * [[|Fix wrong filenames in error messages]].
 +  * [[|Change overflow checks to do the rounding first and check whether it results in a smaller value]], rather than hardcoding the maximum values.
 +  * [[|Allow to specify an allocation unit]] (must be a power of 2) on the command line as a third parameter.
 +  * [[|Allow empty string as third parameter]], for the default unit of 1 paragraph.
 +  * [[|Calculate maxbytesahead variable during first depack run]], which should calculate the same buffer size as determined by the stubborn inicomp inspired test run.
 +I also [[|fixed a few typos in the mvcomp documentation]], and [[|initially documented how I translated the svn repository into an hg repo]]. All other changesets consist of picks from the original mvcomp repo. In turn, mvcomp's repo picked my changes into [[|the original svn repository]].
 +The development of mvcomp mostly consisted of a back and forth [[|in a SvarDOS issue related to their choice of TREE application]]. I do not care much for TREE, but I did participate in the talks about mvcomp.
 +One memorable part is [[|the in-place depack buffer size formula]] by [[|@mateuszviste]] (whose initials gave mvcomp its name). This formula says that the combined in-place buffer, including the initial prefix size (as given by my mvsize tool also) and the size of the compressed payload, can always be sized as ''UncompressedSize + UncompressedSize / 31 + 1''. This is a worst-case calculation, unlike mvsize it may result in allocating a larger buffer than needed. However, it appears to be a universal upper boundary for the needed buffer size.
 +[[|I didn't believe this at first]] when he shared it, but [[|did come around after some more discussion]]. In practice SvarLANG uses its packer's maxbytesahead approach which is equivalent to mvsize (and also done by the depacker in the latest mvsize revision).
 +{{tag>kernwrap edrdos inicomp ldosboot fsiboot instsect heatshrink ldebug mvcomp svardos}}
blog/pushbx/2024/1013_late_september_early_october_work.txt ยท Last modified: 2024-10-13 17:59:13 +0200 Oct Sun by ecm