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blog:pushbx:2023:0911_live_patching_the_debugger_itself [2023-09-11 20:44:53 +0200 Sep Mon]
ecm created
blog:pushbx:2023:0911_live_patching_the_debugger_itself [2023-09-11 20:46:50 +0200 Sep Mon] (current)
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   * It has to make some assumptions about where to patch and the minimum auxiliary buffer size   * It has to make some assumptions about where to patch and the minimum auxiliary buffer size
   * It has to patch in the minimum size for the auxiliary buffer, disallowing the DIL command from using the full buffer if it is larger   * It has to patch in the minimum size for the auxiliary buffer, disallowing the DIL command from using the full buffer if it is larger
 +===== =====
 So here's a revised patch that improves upon all these disadvantages. It is called [[|patchl6.sld]]. This is its content: So here's a revised patch that improves upon all these disadvantages. It is called [[|patchl6.sld]]. This is its content:
blog/pushbx/2023/0911_live_patching_the_debugger_itself.txt ยท Last modified: 2023-09-11 20:46:50 +0200 Sep Mon by ecm