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blog:pushbx:2023:0903_august:september_work [2023-09-03 21:41:27 +0200 Sep Sun] ecm |
blog:pushbx:2023:0903_august:september_work [2023-12-04 20:47:07 +0100 Dec Mon] (current) ecm [Notes from debugging lDebug] |
A similar trick was used [[blog:pushbx:2023:0828_late_august_work#freedos_kernel|to debug the FreeDOS kernel bug]] in order to load the second debugger near the top of the Low Memory Area. This also had the second debugger run a TSR command then a G command, returning to the PRA of the first debugger in the debuggee context of the second debugger. In that case, the first debugger was simply quit to leave only the second debugger resident. | A similar trick was used [[blog:pushbx:2023:0828_late_august_work#freedos_kernel|to debug the FreeDOS kernel bug]] in order to load the second debugger near the top of the Low Memory Area. This also had the second debugger run a TSR command then a G command, returning to the PRA of the first debugger in the debuggee context of the second debugger. In that case, the first debugger was simply quit to leave only the second debugger resident. |
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{{tag>edrdos testhook ldebug}} | {{tag>edrdos testhook ldebug heatshrink}} |
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blog/pushbx/2023/0903_august/september_work.1693770087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-09-03 21:41:27 +0200 Sep Sun by ecm