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Up to early 2023 July work


The desktop Linux box is back in action after re-installing Debian on a new HDD. In the last two weeks some work happened on multiple repos.

Last Sunday I prepared an example program demonstrating how to implement segment relocations without an external linker, using only NASM's -f bin output format. I did this instead of writing a blog post.

devload changes

The first change was to mark the environment in devload's (relocated) PSP as zero, to indicate it was freed. This helps lDebug to find the environment of devload's parent process rather than trying to access what used to be devload's. (In my tests usually the device driver being loaded ended up where the stale environment segment pointed to, but this is by no means certain.)

While at it I also worked some more on devload. The conundrum of supporting large memory blocks and passing the full size to the device driver init is not yet solved. (I prepared a patch for this in 2022 but I consider it unfinished.)

However, I did make some changes:


While looking at some regexps in TracList it occurred that a question mark was missing in one. This meant that entering hexadecimal numbers as 0xABCD without a trailing H may not have worked.


While linking to refer to an example in the instruction reference, it was noted that the example sections did not contain keywords to reference them. This has been fixed.


During development of the heatshrink depacker for online help pages of the debugger, it was found that the resetdef check for the correct context would emit an %error. However, a subsequent use of an undefined variable in an %if emitted an error that hid the output of the %error directive. Therefore the directive was changed to %fatal.


The big one!

Many of these changes were suggested by a user on the FreeDOS issue tracker.

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blog/pushbx/2023/0715_up_to_early_2023_july_work.1689433352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-07-15 17:02:32 +0200 Jul Sat by ecm