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blog:pushbx:2023:0430_what_is_object_oriented_programming [2023-04-30 00:07:09 +0200 Apr Sun] (current)
ecm created
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 +====== What is Object Oriented Programming? ======
 +I recently gossiped again about how formal education
 +did not properly define topics such as OOP. So here's my attempt:
 +In OOP, you can define your own data types, called classes.
 +A class can consist of some data structures and some code associated with the class.
 +A variable whose type is a class is called an object.
 +Thus objects logically tie some data to some code.
 +Classes can contain objects of another class (has a), or classes can inherit from other classes (is a). 
blog/pushbx/2023/0430_what_is_object_oriented_programming.txt ยท Last modified: 2023-04-30 00:07:09 +0200 Apr Sun by ecm