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blog:pushbx:2022:1107_bootable_ldebug_vs_freedos_debugb [2022-11-07 22:53:12 +0100 Nov Mon] ecm fix headings |
blog:pushbx:2022:1107_bootable_ldebug_vs_freedos_debugb [2022-11-07 22:54:44 +0100 Nov Mon] (current) ecm [Supported modes per build] explicitly say that other mode is application |
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* DebugB is provided as a binary file that is a special purpose build. It can only be used in boot loaded mode. | * DebugB is provided as a binary file that is a special purpose build. It can only be used in boot loaded mode. |
* lDebug includes booting capabilities in a single build (which can be Debug, DDebug, [[blog:pushbx:2022:0804_conditionally_debuggable_ldebug|CDebug]], or any of those three with additional DPMI support indicated by a trailing X) | * lDebug includes booting capabilities in a single build that is also usable as a DOS application (which can be Debug, DDebug, [[blog:pushbx:2022:0804_conditionally_debuggable_ldebug|CDebug]], or any of those three with additional DPMI support indicated by a trailing X) |
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I believe that lDebug wins out here as part of its "go everywhere, do everything" theme. However, disk space and memory requirements are larger for current lDebug than for a special purpose build that can only be used in one mode. (The disk space obviously only wins out if you do not need multiple different special purpose builds where one all purpose build could do.) I'm now considering adding build time conditionals to create special purpose builds like this from the lDebug sources. | I believe that lDebug wins out here as part of its "go everywhere, do everything" theme. However, disk space and memory requirements are larger for current lDebug than for a special purpose build that can only be used in one mode. (The disk space obviously only wins out if you do not need multiple different special purpose builds where one all purpose build could do.) I'm now considering adding build time conditionals to create special purpose builds like this from the lDebug sources. |
blog/pushbx/2022/1107_bootable_ldebug_vs_freedos_debugb.txt ยท Last modified: 2022-11-07 22:54:44 +0100 Nov Mon by ecm