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blog:pushbx:2022:0706_ldebug_symbolic_and_segment_splits [2022-07-06 20:28:35 +0200 Jul Wed]
ecm created
blog:pushbx:2022:0706_ldebug_symbolic_and_segment_splits [2022-07-07 19:15:16 +0200 Jul Thu] (current)
ecm fix paragraph break in quote
Line 7: Line 7:
 In particular, the second message ends in: In particular, the second message ends in:
-<blockquote>I also sometimes use ECM's lDebug, but that is mostly when I'm trying to figure out what someones else's program is doing and don't have the source code or some other way to look at the symbols/names to help try and figure out what's going on.  lDebug is much better/easier than D86/D386 for certain kinds of debugging/research.  +<blockquote>I also sometimes use ECM's lDebug, but that is mostly when I'm trying to figure out what someones else's program is doing and don't have the source code or some other way to look at the symbols/names to help try and figure out what's going on.  lDebug is much better/easier than D86/D386 for certain kinds of debugging/research.</blockquote>
- +
 So, the natural reaction is to consider: what is lDebug not (yet!) better and easier for than the competition? (Mind, I didn't actually ask Bret about this yet.) So, the natural reaction is to consider: what is lDebug not (yet!) better and easier for than the competition? (Mind, I didn't actually ask Bret about this yet.)
blog/pushbx/2022/0706_ldebug_symbolic_and_segment_splits.txt · Last modified: 2022-07-07 19:15:16 +0200 Jul Thu by ecm