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Early mid March work


This week I worked a little on lDebug(X) and inicomp. I also prepared another two blogposts, the PM int 21h handler mystery and a yet unreleased post.

Further, I have considered a new repo which will be based on the mak script of lDebug and will provide the scripting needed to wrap and optionally compress the Enhanced DR-DOS single-file kernel or the FreeDOS kernel. This will also eventually lead to CONFIG block support in inicomp and fdkernpl (part of ldosboot).


Fix the build with _IMAGE_EXE=1 _DEVICE=0. Likely the inverse also doesn't work but it is of no concern to us. The iniload stage must be built with _IMAGE_EXE in order to enable the device driver entrypoint to be used.


Some of the changes were already covered in the prior blog post. Other than those, there are: