New 95LX setup Script for lDebug

Today I updated the lCDebug executable on the HP 95LX. I also changed the 95lx.sld file. Some flags moved around for the disassembler, and the default length of the D and U commands can now be modified. I chose to set a default length of 12 "lines". (The "lines" count does not always correspond exactly to lines displayed.)

This is the file:

r dco or= 800
r dco6 or= 9200
r dco2 or= 111
r ior = #16
r ioc = #40
r dao dao clr 2 or 380
r dco3 and= ~ 4000_0000
r defaultulines = #12
r defaultdlines = #12

Changes from prior revision:

Other than that I also tried out running lCDebug with its serial I/O option on the 95LX, making use of the new IRQ sharing support. This worked well. Here's the script file ser.sld to set up lDebug on COM1:

r dspvi 0C
r dspvm 2#1_0000
r dspvp 3F8
r dco or= 4000