Acquired an 1 MiB model of the HP 95LX


This week rr made me aware of another offer of an HP 95LX. This one happened to be the variant extended to have 1 MiB of internal memory. This is the rarer model.

After the price dropped a bit, I decided to buy it on Tuesday after 20:00. The seller was very quick to respond and agreed to ship it the next day. However, yesterday the seller contacted me again and suggested they could deliver it personally, today, as they would travel to Düsseldorf already. I agreed to this and picked it up later today.

It is in a very good condition, good screen hinges, battery cover legs both intact, all tests succeed, Datacomm's XModem, PD ZModem, and lCDebug all work as expected. I set it up with 514 KiB of LMA and 510 KiB of RAM disk. (I am a little annoyed that I cannot choose an even split.)

This is probably the last 95LX I will acquire for now. I am happy to have received a 1 MiB device though.