CHARSETS Createsets Creates a set on the heap Emptyset Cleans out set Rangeset Add a range of values to a set Addstr Add a group of characters to a set Rmvstr Remove a string from a set AddChar Add a single character to a set Rmvchar Remove a single character to a set Member Find if a character is in a set CopySet Makes a verbatim copy of a set to another SetUnion Computes the union of two sets SetIntersect Computes the intersection of two sets into a third SetDifference Removes items in second set which are in first Nextitem Searches the first character (item) in the set pointing to its mask byte Rmvitem Removes an item from a set UTIL ISize Calculate number of spaces needed to print signed integer USize Calculate number of spaces needed to print unsigned integer LSize Calculate number of spaces needed to print signed long integer ULSize Calculate number of spaces needed to print unsigned long integer IsAlNum Checks to see if AL is in the range of A-Z, a-z, 0-9 IsXDigit Checks to see if AL is in the range of A-F, a-f, 0-9 IsDigit Checks to see if AL is in the range of 0-9 IsAlpha Checks to see if AL is in the range of A-Z, a-z IsLower Checks to see if AL is in the range of a-z IsUpper Checks to see if AL is in the range of A-Z STRINGS The following string routines take as many as four different forms: strxxx, strxxxl, strxxxm, and strxxxlm. These routines differ in how they store the destination string into memory and where they obtain their source strings. Routines of the form strxxx generally expect a single source string address in ES:DI or a source and destination string in ES:DI & DX:SI. If these routines produce a string, they generally store the result into the buffer pointed at by ES:DI upon entry. They return with ES:DI pointing at the first character of the destination string. Routines of the form strxxxl have a "literal source string". A literal source string follows the call to the routine in the code stream. E.g., strcatl db "Add this string to ES:DI",0 Routines of the form strxxxm automatically allocate storage for a source string on the heap and return a pointer to this string in ES:DI. Routines of the form strxxxlm have a literal source string in the code stream and allocate storage for the destination string on the heap. Strcpy Copies string. Strcpyl Copies string literal StrDup Copies string to newly allocated memory StrDupl Copies string to newly allocated memory from literal Strlen Calculate length of string Strcat Concatenate two strings Strcatm Concatenate two strings, allocating enough memory for the final resulting string on the heap Strcatl Concatenate string from literal Strcatml Concatenate string from literal to allocated memory Strchr Searches for first occurence of a character in a string Strstr Searches for the position of a substring within another string Strcmp Compares one string to another Strcmpl Compares one string to literal string Stricmp Compares one string to another disregarding case Strupr Converts a string to uppercase Struprm Copies string to heap, then converts to upper and returns address Strlwr Convert string to lower case Strlwrm Copies string to heap, converts, then returns new string Strset Overwrites data on input string with character in AL Strsetm Allocates new strings, then overwrites with character in AL Strspan Compares strings, returning 1st position not equal Strspanl Compares strings, returning 1st position not equal, literal Strcspan Compares strings, returning 1st position that _IS_ equal Strcplanl Compares strings, returning 1st position that _IS_ equal,literal StrIns Inserts one string into another StrInsl Inserts one string into another, literal StrInsm Inserts one string into another after allocating memory StrInsml Inserts one string into another after allocating memory, literal StrDel Deletes characters from a string StrDelm Deletes characters from a copy of a string StrTrim Removes trailing spaces from a string StrTrimm Removes trailing spaces from a copy of a string StrBlkDel Removes leading spaces from a string StrBlkDelm Removes leading spaces from a copy of a string Strrev Reverses the characters in a string. ie: "BLAH" -> "HALB" Strrevm Reverses the characters in a copy of a string StrBDel Removes leading spaces from a string StrBDelm Removes leading spaces from a copy of a string ToHex Converts a stream of binary vaues into Intel Hex format STDOUT Putc Print a character out to stdout PutCR Print a CR/LF to stdout PucStdOut Print a character to stdout PutcBIOS Use BIOS to print a character to the _SCREEN_ GetOuAdrs Get the address of the current output routine SetOutAdrs Redirects calls to output routine to user defined PushOutAdrs Pushes current output address to internal stack PopOutAdrs Pops output address from internal stack and sets Puts Print a string to stdout Puth Print a value out in hex format Putw Print a value out in word hex format Puti Print a value out in signed integer format Putu Print a value out in unsigned integer format Putl Print a value out in signed long integer format Putul Print a value out in unsigned long integer format PutISize Print a value out in signed integer format using minimum spaces PutUSize Print a value out in unsigned integer format using minimum spaces PutLSize Print a value out in signed long format using minimum spaces PutULSize Print a value out in unsigned long fomat using minimum spaces Print Print out a literal string Printf Print out a literal string using C library type formatters Printff Print out a literal string using C library type formatters. Also supports printout out floating point values STDIN Getc Gets a character from STDIN GetcStdIn Gets a character from STDIN GetcBIOS Gets a character using BIOS. Redirection is not allowed SetInAdrs Sets the address to the routine which you want to use for input GetInAdrs Gets the address which is being used to take input PushInAdrs Pushes the address of the input routine to an internal stack PopInAdrs Pop the address of the input routine from an internal stack Gets Get a string from STDIN Getsm Get a string in STDIN and stuff into newly alloacted buffer Scanf Gets string from STDIN using C library type formatters SERIAL PORT STUFF ComBaud Inits the seral port to a user defined speed ComStop Inits number of stop bits to use in transmission ComSize Inits number of data bits to use in transmission ComParity Inits the serial port as to whether or not to use parity checking ComRead Reads character from serial port ComWrite Transmits character to serial port ComTstIn Checks to see if character is availble in buffer. Does not read. ComTstOut Checks if character can be transmitted ComGetLSR Reads current status of Line Status Register ComGetMSR Reads current status of Modem Status Regster ComGetMCR Reads current status of Modem Control Register ComGetLCR Reads current status of Line Control Regiter ComGetIIR Reads current status of Interrupt Identification Register ComGetIER Reads current status of Interupt Enable Register ComSetMCR Writes value to Modem Control Register ComSetLCR Writes value to Line Control Register ComSetIER Writes value to Interrupt Enable Register ComInitIntr Sets up interrupts and progams to control serial chip ComDisIntr Untinstalls all programs installed with ComInitIntr ComIn Reads chracter from serial port. Will wait if none available. ComOut Writes character to serial port, waiting if port is busy. PROCESS Prcsinit Starts the process manager Prcsquit Shutsdown the process manager Fork Spawns a new process Die Kills the current process Kill Lets one process terminate another Yield Forces context switch, surrendering rest of current time slice CoInit Inits the CoRoutine package CoCall Switches context between two coroutines CoCalll Switches context between two coroutines, passing info another way WaitSemaph Protects critical regions in memory RlsSemaPh Releases a semaphore that the current process has aquired PATTERN Spancset Match any number of characters belonging to a character set Brkcset Match any number of characters which are *not* in a character set MatchStr Matches a specified string MatchToStr Match characters in string until specified substring MatchChar Matches a single character MatchChars Matches zero or more occurrences of the same character MatchToChar Matches characters up to and including specified character MatchToPat Matches all characters up to specified characters Anycset Matches single character from a character set NotAnycset Match single character which is not in character set EOS Matches end of string ARB Matches arbitary number of characters ARBNUM Matches arbitary number of strings Skip Matches "n" arbitary characters. POS Matches at position "n" in the string RPOS Matches at position "n" from the end of the string GOTOpos Moves to position in string RGOTOpos Moves to position "n" from end of string MISC Random Generate a random number Randomize Reseed random number generator based on time of day cpuid Identifies CPU Argc Return number of command line parameters Argv Returns address to string of command line parameter specified GetEnv Returns address of environment table information DOS Invokes DOS INT 21h interrupt ExitPgm Exits current program and returns to DOS MEMORY MemInit Initializes memory manager. Must be called first. MemInit2 Initializes another part of memory manager Malloc Dynamically allocate memory Realloc Resize a block of memory already allocated with Malloc Free Deallocate a chunk of memory allocated with Malloc DupPtr Replicate a pointer to a chunk of memory so free won't deallocate it until all the pointers are taken care of IsInHeap Tells you if ES:DI points somewhere in the heap IsPtr Tells you if ES:DI points to a properlly allocated chunk of heap BlockSize Returns size of block currently pointed to in the heap MemAvail Returns size of largest free block on the heap MemFree Returns size of total bytes free on the heap LIST CreateList Allocates storage for a list variable on the head AppendLast Add a node to the list Remove1st Removes the first item from a list Peek1st Looks at the first item from a list Insert1st Inserts a node at the first node from a list RemoveLast Removes the last node from a list PeekLast Looks at the last item from a list InsertCur Inserts a node into the list InsertmCur Builds a node on the heap, then inserts that into the list AppendCur Inserts a node into the list after the current node pointed to AppendmCur Builds node on heap, then inserts that after current node RemoveCur Removes current node from the list Peek Looks at current node on the list SetCur Sets the specified node as the current node Insert Inserts a new node before a specified node in the list Append Inserts a new node after a specified node in the list Remove Removes the specified node from the list FLOATING POINT (FP) lsfpa Load single percision float value into internal accumulator ssfpa Store single percision float value from accumulator to memory ldfpa Load double percision float value into internal accumulator sdfpa Store double percision float value from accumulator to memory lefpa Load extended percision float value into internal accumulator lefpal lefpa with a literal value after it in the code sefpa Store extended percision float value from accumulator to memory lsfpo lsfpa a value, then convert to extended percision ldfpo ldfpa a value, then convert to extended percision lefpo lefpa a value, then convert to extended percision lefpol lefpo a value, with the value being literal in the code itof Convert a 16bit signed integer to float utof Convert a 16bit unsigned integer to float ultof Convert a 32bit unsigned integer to float ltof Convert a 32bit signed integer to float ftoi Convert float number to signed 16bit integer format ftou Convert float number to unsigned 16bit integer format ftol Convert float number to signed 32bit integer format ftoul Convert float number to unsigned 32bit integer format fpadd Add float accumulator to float operand fpsub Subtract float operand from the float accumulator fpsmp Compare float accumulator to operand and set flags accordingly fpmul Multiply float operand to float accumulator fpdiv Divides float accumulator by operand ftoa Converts float number into string, preserving DI ftoa2 Converts float number into string, not preserving DI ftoam Converts float to string, allocating enough space for string etoa Convert float to string using scientific notation etoa2 Works like etoa, except not preserving DI etoam Works like etoa, this time allocing space on the heap for string atof Converts string into float DATE TIME Date Converts DOS system date into string ( mm/dd/yy ) Date2 Converts DOS system date into string, not preserving DI Datem Converts DOS system date into string allocated from heap xDate Converts current DOS system date into string xDate2 Converts current DOS system date into string, killing DI xDatem Converts current DOS system date to string with memory from heap lDate Converts DOS date into string ( mmm, dd, yyyy ) lDate2 Converts DOS date into string killing DI lDatem Converts DOS date into string, memory allocated from heap xlDate Converts current DOS date into string xlDate2 Converts current DOS date into string killing DI xlDatem Converts current DOS date into string allocated from heap atod Converts string (mm/dd/yy or mm-dd-yy) into DOS date atod2 Converts string into DOS date, killing DI atot Converts string (hh:mm:ss or into DOS time atot2 Converts string into DOS time killing DI time Converts DOS time to string time2 Converts DOS time to string, killing DI timem Converts DOS time to string, allocated from heap xtime Converts current DOS time to string xtime2 Converts current DOS time to string, killing DI xtimem Converts current DOS time to string, allocated from heap CONVERSION atol Converts string of numbers to signed 32bit integer atoul Converts string of numbers to unsigned 32bit integer atou Converts string of numbers to unsigned 16bit integer atoh Converts string of hex numbers to unsigned 16bit integer atoh2 Converts string of hex numbers to unsigned 16bit int killing DI atolh Converts string of hex numbers to unsigned 32bit int atolh2 Converts string of hex numbers to unsigned 32bit int killing DI atoi Converts string of numbers to signed 16bit integer itoa Converts signed integer to string itoam Converts signed integer to string, allocting space from heap itoa2 Converts signed integer to string, killing DI utoa Converts unsigned integer to string utoam Converts unsigned integer to string, allocating space from heap utoa2 Converts unsigned integer to string, killing DI htoa Converts 8bit hex value to string htoa2 Converts 8bit hex value to string, killing DI htoam Converts 8bit hex value to string, allocating space from heap wtoa Converts 16bit hex value to string wtoa2 Converts 16bit hex value to string, killing DI wtoam Converts 16bit hex value to string, allocating space from heap ltoa Converts 32bit signed integer to string ltoa2 Converts 32bit signed integer to string, killing DI ltoam Converts 32bit signed integer to string, getting space from heap ultoa Converts 32bit unsigned int to string ultoa2 Converts 32bit unsigned int to string, killing DI ultoam Converts 32bit unsigned int to string, getting space from heap sprintf In memory print formatting sprintf2 In memory print formatting, killing DI sprintfm In memory print formatting, getting space from heap sscanf In memory input formatting sscanf2 In memory input formatting, killing DI sscanfm In memory input formatting, getting space from heap tolower Converts character to lowercase toupper Converts character to uppercase By: Steve Shah Pick one -- any one....... Current version: UCRASM 31 Compiled 1.0 -- June 7, 1993 10:40a