diff --git a/source/dd.asm b/source/dd.asm
-- a/source/dd.asm
++ b/source/dd.asm
@@ -15,6 +15,20 @@

	usesection lDEBUG_DATA_ENTRY
	align 4
ddoffset:	dw 0		; offset word for dd
				;  (number of skipped bytes at start of line)
%if _PM
		dw 0		; high word initialised to and fixed at zero
ddskipped:	dw 0
%if _PM
		dw 0		; high word initialised to and fixed at zero
ddsize:		dw 1		; size of dd item

	usesection lDEBUG_CODE

		; D command - hex/ASCII dump.
@@ -75,11 +89,31 @@
	jmp mcbout		; yes -->
	mov cx, 1
	cmp al, 'B'
	je .d_suffix_size
	inc cx			; = 2
	cmp al, 'W'
	je .d_suffix_size
	inc cx
	inc cx			; = 4
	cmp al, 'D'
	jne .not_d_suffix
	mov byte [ddsize], cl