--- mak.sh	2020-02-04 13:10:25.673962574 +0100
+++ ../../rxdos-7.2x/mak.sh	2020-03-05 14:34:34.400042996 +0100
@@ -6,10 +6,35 @@
 function fun_delete_compressed {
-  [ "$1" != "silent" ] && echo "Deleting l${build_name}.com"
-  rm -f ../bin/l"$build_name".com \
-    ../lst/l"$build_name".lst ../lst/l"$build_name".map
+  [ "$1" != "silent" ] && echo "Deleting ${build_name}.$comext"
+  rm -f ${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name".$comext \
+    ${rootpath}${lstdir}$lpre"$build_name"$csuf.$lstext ${rootpath}${mapdir}$lpre"$build_name"$csuf.$mapext
 . cfg.sh
@@ -26,8 +51,12 @@
 } fi
-[ -z "$build_name" ] && build_name=debug
+if [ -n "$INSTSECT_DIR" ]; then {
+  options_i_instsect=-I"${INSTSECT_DIR%/}"/
+} fi
+[ -z "$build_name" ] && build_name=RxDOS
 function shellquote() {
   local sp=""
@@ -66,36 +95,15 @@
   eval "$(cat "$reproducedir"/nasmenv)"
   unset build_options
   eval "$(cat "$reproducedir"/options)"
+  export use_build_revision_id=0
+#  unset use_build_revision_id
+  unset use_build_decomp_test
+  unset use_build_inicheck
+  eval "$(cat "$reproducedir"/usevars)"
   eval "$(printf "%q" "$0") $altervar $(cat "$reproducedir"/cmdline) $(shellquote "$@")"
   exit $?
-mkdir -p "$reproducedir"
-if [ "$1" != havedt ]; then
-  nasm passdt.asm -o ../tmp/scratch 2>&1 | \
-    perl -ne 'if (/.*(?:warning: using define )(-[UD].*?)( \[-w\+user\])?$/) { print $1."\n"; };' \
-     > "$reproducedir"/dt
-  shift
-if [ "$1" != reproducing ]; then
-  export NASMENV
-  export -p | grep -E "^declare -x NASMENV=" > "$reproducedir"/nasmenv
-  export build_options
-  export -p | grep -E "^declare -x build_options=" > "$reproducedir"/options
-  shellquote "$@" > "$reproducedir"/cmdline
-  shift
-# based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/22517974/738287
-declare -a dtarray=()
-while IFS='' read -r item; do
-  dtarray+=("$item")
-done < "$reproducedir"/dt
 if (($use_build_revision_id)); then {
   [ -z "$build_revision_id" ] && build_revision_id="hg $(hg id -i)"
   [ -z "$build_revision_id_lmacros" -a -n "$LMACROS_DIR" ] \
@@ -110,6 +118,10 @@
     && var="hg $(hg -R "$INICHECK_DIR" id -i)" \
     && [ "$var" != "$build_revision_id" ] \
     && build_revision_id_inicheck="'Uses inicheck: Revision ID $var',13,10"
+  [ -z "$build_revision_id_ldosboot" ] \
+    && var="hg $(hg -R "$INSTSECT_DIR" id -i)" \
+    && [ "$var" != "$build_revision_id" ] \
+    && build_revision_id_instsect="'Uses instsect: Revision ID $var',13,10"
   [ -z "$build_revision_id_scanptab" ] \
     && var="hg $(hg -R "$SCANPTAB_DIR" id -i)" \
     && [ "$var" != "$build_revision_id" ] \
@@ -120,29 +132,62 @@
     && build_revision_id_ldosboot="'Uses ldosboot: Revision ID $var',13,10"
 } fi
-[ -z "$STACKSIZE" ] && STACKSIZE=2048
+mkdir -p "$reproducedir"
-echo "Creating $build_name.com"
-[ -f ../bin/"$build_name".com ] && rm ../bin/"$build_name".com
-# Delete the file first so in case the actual assembly fails,
-#  there doesn't remain a stale result of the shim assembly.
-"$NASM" iniloadc.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
-  "$options_i_scanptab" \
-  -o../tmp/"$build_name"c.mac \
+if [ "$1" != havedt ]; then
+  nasm misc/passdt.asm -o ${rootpath}tmp/scratch 2>&1 \
   -D_REVISIONID="'$build_revision_id'" \
   -D_REVISIONID_LMACROS="${build_revision_id_lmacros:-''}" \
+  -D_REVISIONID_INSTSECT="${build_revision_id_instsect:-''}" \
+  -D_REVISIONID_SYMSNIP="${build_revision_id_symsnip:-''}" \
   -D_REVISIONID_SCANPTAB="${build_revision_id_scanptab:-''}" \
   -D_REVISIONID_INICOMP="${build_revision_id_inicomp:-''}" \
   -D_REVISIONID_INICHECK="${build_revision_id_inicheck:-''}" \
   -D_CHECKSUM="$use_build_inicheck" \
   -D_REVISIONID_LDOSBOOT="${build_revision_id_ldosboot:-''}" \
-  "${dtarray[@]}" $build_options "$@" && \
-"$NASM" debug.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
+  | perl -ne 'if (/.*(?:warning: using define )(-[UD].*?)( \[-w\+user\])?$/) { print $1."\n"; };' \
+     > "$reproducedir"/dt
+  shift
+if [ "$1" != reproducing ]; then
+  export NASMENV
+  export -p | grep -E "^declare -x NASMENV=" > "$reproducedir"/nasmenv
+  export build_options
+  export -p | grep -E "^declare -x build_options=" > "$reproducedir"/options
+#  export use_build_revision_id
+  export use_build_decomp_test
+  export use_build_inicheck
+  export -p | grep -E "^declare -x use_build_(decomp_test|inicheck)=" > "$reproducedir"/usevars
+  shellquote "$@" > "$reproducedir"/cmdline
+  shift
+# based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/22517974/738287
+declare -a dtarray=()
+while IFS='' read -r item; do
+  dtarray+=("$item")
+done < "$reproducedir"/dt
+[ -z "$STACKSIZE" ] && STACKSIZE=2048
+echo "Creating $build_name.$binbigext"
+[ -f ${rootpath}bin/"$build_name".$comext ] && rm ${rootpath}bin/"$build_name".$comext
+# Delete the file first so in case the actual assembly fails,
+#  there doesn't remain a stale result of the shim assembly.
+"$NASM" -Ox ldos/init.asm -f bin \
+  -I ldos/ -I RxDOS/ -I MACRO/ -I bin/ \
+  "$options_i_instsect" \
+  "$options_i_lmacros" \
   "$options_i_scanptab" \
-  -o../tmp/"$build_name".big \
-  -l../lst/"$build_name".lst -D_MAP=../lst/"$build_name".map \
+  -o ${rootpath}tmp/"$build_name".$binbigext \
+  -l ${rootpath}${lstdir}"$build_name".$lstext -D_MAP=${rootpath}${mapdir}"$build_name".$mapext \
   -D_REVISIONID="'$build_revision_id'" \
   -D_REVISIONID_LMACROS="${build_revision_id_lmacros:-''}" \
+  -D_REVISIONID_INSTSECT="${build_revision_id_instsect:-''}" \
   -D_REVISIONID_SCANPTAB="${build_revision_id_scanptab:-''}" \
   -D_REVISIONID_INICOMP="${build_revision_id_inicomp:-''}" \
   -D_REVISIONID_INICHECK="${build_revision_id_inicheck:-''}" \
@@ -150,67 +195,120 @@
   -D_REVISIONID_LDOSBOOT="${build_revision_id_ldosboot:-''}" \
   "${dtarray[@]}" $build_options "$@"
-size="$(( $("$TELLSIZE" ../tmp/"$build_name".big) * 16 - $STACKSIZE ))"
-if [ $? -eq 0 -a $rc -eq 0 ]; then {
-  "$NASM" mzshim.asm "$options_i_lmacros" "${dtarray[@]}" \
-    -D_FILE=../tmp/"$build_name".big -o../bin/"$build_name".com \
-    -D_IMAGE_EXE_MIN_CALC="((( - (payload.actual_end - payload) \
-      + $size + _IMAGE_EXE_AUTO_STACK) + 15) & ~15)" \
-  && perl -0777i -pe 's/(Uses (inicomp|inicheck|ldosboot|scanptab)[^\0]*\0)/"\0" x length $1/ge' \
-    ../bin/"$build_name".com
-} fi
 if [ -n "$LDOSBOOT_DIR" ]; then {
-  if [ -n "$INICOMP_METHOD" ]; then {
-    if [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "lz4" ]; then {
-      [ -z "$INICOMP_LZ4C" ] && INICOMP_LZ4C=lz4c
-      inicomp_suffix=lz4
-      inicomp_option=-D_LZ4
-    } elif [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "snappy" ]; then {
-      [ -z "$INICOMP_SNZIP" ] && INICOMP_SNZIP=snzip
-      inicomp_suffix=sz
-      inicomp_option=-D_SNAPPY
-    } elif [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "brieflz" ]; then {
-      [ -z "$INICOMP_BLZPACK" ] && INICOMP_BLZPACK=blzpack
-      inicomp_suffix=blz
-      inicomp_option=-D_BRIEFLZ
-    } elif [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" != "none" ]; then {
-      echo "Invalid compression method selected: $INICOMP_METHOD"
-      exit 1
-    } fi
-  } fi
-  if [ -f "../tmp/$build_name.big" ] \
-  && grep -qaEi "^\s*Boot loader\s*$" ../tmp/"$build_name".big; then {
-    echo "Creating l${build_name}u.com"
-    "$NASM" "${LDOSBOOT_DIR%/}"/iniload.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
+  if [ -f "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" ]; then {
+    echo "Creating $lpre${build_name}$usuf.$comext"
+    "$NASM" -Ox "${LDOSBOOT_DIR%/}"/iniload.asm -f bin \
+      "$options_i_lmacros" \
       "$options_i_ldosboot" \
       "$options_i_scanptab" \
+      -D_REVISIONID="'$build_revision_id'" \
+      -D_REVISIONID_LMACROS="${build_revision_id_lmacros:-''}" \
+      -D_REVISIONID_INSTSECT="${build_revision_id_instsect:-''}" \
+      -D_REVISIONID_SCANPTAB="${build_revision_id_scanptab:-''}" \
+      -D_REVISIONID_INICOMP="${build_revision_id_inicomp:-''}" \
+      -D_REVISIONID_INICHECK="${build_revision_id_inicheck:-''}" \
+      -D_CHECKSUM="$use_build_inicheck" \
+      -D_REVISIONID_LDOSBOOT="${build_revision_id_ldosboot:-''}" \
       "${dtarray[@]}" \
-      -D_INILOAD_CFG="'../tmp/${build_name}c.mac'" \
+      -D_INILOAD_SIGNATURE="'Rx'" \
       -I"${INICHECK_DIR%/}"/iniload/ -D_CHECKSUM="$use_build_inicheck" \
-      $build_iniload_options -o../bin/l"$build_name"u.com \
-      -l../lst/l"$build_name"u.lst -D_MAP=../lst/l"$build_name"u.map \
-      -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'../tmp/$build_name.big'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
+      $build_iniload_options -o${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$comext \
+      -l${rootpath}${lstdir}$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$lstext -D_MAP=${rootpath}${mapdir}$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$mapext \
+      -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
-      -D_IMAGE_EXE_MIN_CALC="((( - (payload.actual_end - payload) \
-        + $size + _IMAGE_EXE_AUTO_STACK) + 15) & ~15)" \
+      -D_IMAGE_EXE_MIN_CALC="(((_IMAGE_EXE_AUTO_STACK) + 15) & ~15)" \
     && perl -0777i -pe 's/(Uses inicomp[^\0]*\0)/"\0" x length $1/ge' \
-      ../bin/l"$build_name"u.com \
-    && ((use_build_inicheck)) && "$CHECKSUM" ../bin/l"$build_name"u.com
+      ${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$comext \
+    && ((use_build_inicheck)) && "$CHECKSUM" ${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$comext
+    ls -lgG ${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$comext
     if [ -z "$INICOMP_METHOD" -o "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "none" ]; then {
     } else {
+      winmethod=""
       fun_delete_compressed silent
-      rm -f ../tmp/"$build_name"."$inicomp_suffix" \
-        ../tmp/l"$build_name"."$inicomp_suffix"
-      echo "Creating l${build_name}.com"
-      if [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "lz4" ]; then {
-        "$INICOMP_LZ4C" -9zfk -hc "../tmp/$build_name.big" "../tmp/$build_name.lz4"
-      } elif [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "snappy" ]; then {
-        "$INICOMP_SNZIP" -ck "../tmp/$build_name.big" > "../tmp/$build_name.sz"
-      } elif [ "$INICOMP_METHOD" == "brieflz" ]; then {
-        "$INICOMP_BLZPACK" "../tmp/$build_name.big" "../tmp/$build_name.blz"
+      for method in $INICOMP_METHOD; do
+      	inicomp_additional_memory=0
+	inicomp_def_p=""
+	inicomp_switch_p=""
+      	if [ "$method" == "brieflz" ]; then {
+      	  [ -z "$INICOMP_BLZPACK" ] && INICOMP_BLZPACK=blzpack
+      	  inicomp_suffix=$blzext
+      	  inicomp_option=-D_BRIEFLZ
+      	} elif [ "$method" == "lz4" ]; then {
+      	  [ -z "$INICOMP_LZ4C" ] && INICOMP_LZ4C=lz4c
+      	  inicomp_suffix=$lz4ext
+          inicomp_option=-D_LZ4
+      	} elif [ "$method" == "snappy" ]; then {
+      	  [ -z "$INICOMP_SNZIP" ] && INICOMP_SNZIP=snzip
+      	  inicomp_suffix=$szext
+      	  inicomp_option=-D_SNAPPY
+      	} elif [ "$method" == "exodecr" ]; then {
+      	  [ -z "$INICOMP_EXOMIZER" ] && INICOMP_EXOMIZER=exomizer
+      	  inicomp_suffix=$exoext
+      	  inicomp_option=-D_EXODECR
+	  [ -n "$INICOMP_EXOMIZER_P" ] && inicomp_def_p="-D_P=$INICOMP_EXOMIZER_P"
+	  [ -n "$INICOMP_EXOMIZER_P" ] && inicomp_switch_p="-P$INICOMP_EXOMIZER_P"
+	  [ -n "$INICOMP_EXOMIZER_P" ] && echo "Using P = $INICOMP_EXOMIZER_P"
+      	} elif [ "$method" == "x" ]; then {
+      	  [ -z "$INICOMP_X" ] && INICOMP_X=x
+      	  inicomp_suffix=$xext
+      	  inicomp_option=-D_X
+      	  inicomp_additional_memory="$(( 4 * 256 * 256 + 16384 ))"
+		# 4 * 256 * 256 = CONTEXTSIZE
+		# 16384 = threshold for multi-layer decompression
+	} elif [ "$method" == "heatshrink" ]; then {
+	  inicomp_suffix=$hsext
+	  inicomp_option=-D_HEATSHRINK
+	} elif [ "$method" == "none" ]; then {
+	  continue
+	} else {
+	  echo "Invalid compression method selected: $method"
+	  exit 1
+	} fi
+      mkdir -p ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"
+      rm -f ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/"$build_name"."$inicomp_suffix" \
+        ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$ppre"$build_name".$binbigext
+      echo "Creating $lpre${build_name}.$comext"
+      if [ "$method" == "brieflz" ]; then {
+        "$INICOMP_BLZPACK" "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$blzext"
+      } elif [ "$method" == "lz4" ]; then {
+        "$INICOMP_LZ4C" -9zfk -hc "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$lz4ext"
+      } elif [ "$method" == "snappy" ]; then {
+        "$INICOMP_SNZIP" -ck "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" > "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$szext"
+      } elif [ "$method" == "exodecr" ]; then {
+        "$INICOMP_EXOMIZER" raw $inicomp_switch_p "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" -o "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$exoext"
+      } elif [ "$method" == "x" ]; then {
+        "$INICOMP_X" -9zfk "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$xext"
+      } elif [ "$method" == "heatshrink" ]; then {
+	rm -f "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$hsext"
+	winmsg=""
+	for w in 10 11 12 13 14; do
+	  for l in 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14; do
+	    ((l >= w)) && continue
+	    if msg="$("$INICOMP_HEATSHRINK" -ve -w $w -l $l "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext" "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/w${w}l$l.bin")"; then
+	      if [ ! -f "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$hsext" ] \
+		|| (( ( $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/w${w}l$l.bin") + 2 ) <= $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$hsext") )); then
+		echo -ne "!"
+		winmsg="$msg"
+		printf "\x$(printf "%02X" "$w")\x$(printf "%02X" "$l")" > "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$hsext"
+		cat "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/w${w}l$l.bin" >> "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$hsext"
+	      else
+		echo -ne "."
+	      fi
+	    fi
+	  done
+	done
+	echo ""
+	if [ -z "$winmsg" ]; then
+	  echo "Error: Compression failure!"
+	  false
+	else
+	  echo "$winmsg"
+	  true
+	fi
       } else {
         echo "Internal error!"
         exit 1
@@ -221,64 +319,98 @@
       && "$NASM" "${INICOMP_DIR%/}"/inicomp.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
         -I"${INICOMP_DIR%/}"/ "$inicomp_option" \
         "${dtarray[@]}" \
-        $build_inicomp_options -o../tmp/t"$build_name"."$inicomp_suffix" \
-        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'../tmp/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
+	$inicomp_def_p \
+        $build_inicomp_options -o${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$tpre"$build_name".$binbigext \
+        -l ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$tpre"$build_name".$lstext \
+        -D_MAP="${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$tpre$build_name.$mapext" \
+        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
         -D_TEST_PROGRAM \
-        -D_TEST_PROGRAM_DECOMPRESSED_SIZE="$(stat -c %s "../tmp/$build_name.big")" \
+        -D_TEST_PROGRESS \
+        -D_TEST_PROGRAM_DECOMPRESSED_SIZE="$(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext")" \
+        -D_INCLUDE_UNCOMPRESSED -D_UNCOMPRESSED_FILE="'${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext'" \
       && "$NASM" "${LDOSBOOT_DIR%/}"/iniload.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
 	"$options_i_ldosboot" \
 	"$options_i_scanptab" \
         "${dtarray[@]}" \
-	-D_INILOAD_CFG="'../tmp/${build_name}c.mac'" \
         -I"${INICHECK_DIR%/}"/iniload/ -D_CHECKSUM="$use_build_inicheck" \
-        $build_iniload_options -o../tmp/t"$build_name".com \
-        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'../tmp/t$build_name.$inicomp_suffix'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
+        $build_iniload_options -o${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$tpre"$build_name".$comext \
+        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$tpre$build_name.$binbigext'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
         -D_IMAGE_EXE_MIN_CALC="((-512 \
-          + $(stat -c %s "../tmp/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix") \
-          + $(stat -c %s "../tmp/$build_name.big") \
-          + _IMAGE_EXE_AUTO_STACK + 15) & ~15)" \
+          + $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix") \
+          + $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext") \
+          + _IMAGE_EXE_AUTO_STACK + 15 \
+	  + $inicomp_additional_memory) & ~15)" \
       && decompsize="$(( $( \
-        dosemu -K "${PWD%/*}/tmp" -E t"$build_name".com -dumb -quiet 2> /dev/null \
-        | sed -re '/^(about to execute|error:)/Id;s/[\r\n]+$//g' \
+        dosemu -K "${PWD}/${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix" -E $tpre"$build_name".$comext -dumb -quiet 2> /dev/null \
+        | tee /dev/stderr | sed -re '/^(about to execute|error:|note:|info:)/Id;s/[\r\n]+$//g' \
         ) * 16 ))"
           # -512 in the iniload build is for inicomp's INIT0
       (($use_build_decomp_test)) || rc2=0
       (($use_build_decomp_test)) || decompsize="$(( \
-        + $(stat -c %s "../tmp/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix") \
-        + $(stat -c %s "../tmp/$build_name.big") \
+        + $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix") \
+        + $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}tmp/$build_name.$binbigext") \
+	+ $inicomp_additional_memory
         + 4096 ))"
         # 4096 is a heuristic guess for larger than size of the decompressor
+      size=0
       [ "$decompsize" -gt "$size" ] && size="$decompsize"
       [ $rc2 -eq 0 -a $rc -eq 0 ] \
       && "$NASM" "${INICOMP_DIR%/}"/inicomp.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
         -I"${INICOMP_DIR%/}"/ "$inicomp_option" \
         "${dtarray[@]}" \
-        $build_inicomp_options -o../tmp/l"$build_name"."$inicomp_suffix" \
-        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'../tmp/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
+        $build_inicomp_options -o${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$ppre"$build_name".$binbigext \
+        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$build_name.$inicomp_suffix'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
-      && "$NASM" "${LDOSBOOT_DIR%/}"/iniload.asm "$options_i_lmacros" \
+      && "$NASM" -Ox "${LDOSBOOT_DIR%/}"/iniload.asm -f bin \
+	"$options_i_lmacros" \
 	"$options_i_ldosboot" \
 	"$options_i_scanptab" \
+	-D_REVISIONID="'$build_revision_id'" \
+	-D_REVISIONID_LMACROS="${build_revision_id_lmacros:-''}" \
+	-D_REVISIONID_INSTSECT="${build_revision_id_instsect:-''}" \
+	-D_REVISIONID_SCANPTAB="${build_revision_id_scanptab:-''}" \
+	-D_REVISIONID_INICOMP="${build_revision_id_inicomp:-''}" \
+	-D_REVISIONID_INICHECK="${build_revision_id_inicheck:-''}" \
+	-D_CHECKSUM="$use_build_inicheck" \
+	-D_REVISIONID_LDOSBOOT="${build_revision_id_ldosboot:-''}" \
         "${dtarray[@]}" \
-	-D_INILOAD_CFG="'../tmp/${build_name}c.mac'" \
         -I"${INICHECK_DIR%/}"/iniload/ -D_CHECKSUM="$use_build_inicheck" \
-        $build_iniload_options -o../bin/l"$build_name".com \
-        -l../lst/l"$build_name".lst -D_MAP=../lst/l"$build_name".map \
-        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'../tmp/l$build_name.$inicomp_suffix'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
+        $build_iniload_options -o${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name".$comext \
+        -l ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name"$csuf.$lstext -D_MAP=${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name"$csuf.$mapext \
+        -D_PAYLOAD_FILE="'${rootpath}tmp/$inicomp_suffix/$ppre$build_name.$binbigext'" -D_EXEC_OFFSET=32 \
         -D_IMAGE_EXE_MIN_CALC="(( \
           - (payload.actual_end - payload) \
           + "$size" \
           + _IMAGE_EXE_AUTO_STACK + 15) & ~15)" \
-      && ((use_build_inicheck)) && "$CHECKSUM" ../bin/l"$build_name".com
+      && ((use_build_inicheck)) && "$CHECKSUM" ${rootpath}tmp/$lpre"$inicomp_suffix"/"$build_name".$comext
+	if [ -f ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name".$comext ]; then
+	  if [ ! -f "${rootpath}bin/$lpre$build_name.$comext" ] \
+	    || (( $(stat -c %s ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name".$comext) <= $(stat -c %s "${rootpath}bin/$lpre$build_name.$comext") )); then
+	    winmethod="$method"
+	    cp -a ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name".$comext ${rootpath}bin
+	    cp -a ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name"$csuf.$lstext ${rootpath}lst
+	    cp -a ${rootpath}tmp/"$inicomp_suffix"/$lpre"$build_name"$csuf.$mapext ${rootpath}map
+	  fi
+	fi
+      done
+	if [ -n "$winmethod" ]; then
+	  echo "Note: Method $winmethod selected."
+	  ls -lgG ${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name".$comext
+	else
+	  echo Error: No compression method succeeded.
+	  false
+	fi
     } fi
   } else {
-    echo "Deleting l${build_name}u.com"
-    rm -f ../bin/l"$build_name"u.com \
-      ../lst/l"$build_name"u.lst ../lst/l"$build_name"u.map
+    echo "Deleting $lpre${build_name}$usuf.$comext"
+    rm -f ${rootpath}bin/$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$comext \
+      ${rootpath}${lstdir}$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$lstext ${rootpath}${mapdir}$lpre"$build_name"$usuf.$mapext
   } fi
 } fi